Saturday, December 1, 2012

LIFE is ...

I have a great dream last night. It because I've dreamed about LIFE. At that dream, I was talking with old man and he asked me about what life for me is. Then clearly I said Life is Love, Integrity, Friend and Family, and Empower. Then I woke up in the morning and thinking about it all day long. Finally I find the answer and I think I'm gonna use these meanings as my life guide.

 L   I   F   E  is . . .

 L O V E 

(1) Love what you do and do what you love. This is the Love role in my life. Well, most of my life I spent it with a lot of  lovely things and lovely activities. I wish this love keep continue in future and make me more mature. (2) love everyone, means love everyone around you because they can be the best support, even tough they can be nightmare too. (3) spreading love by actions to everywhere, so they all now that I'm a lovely person. For me: if you spread a little love, then you will get a little love of your own.

 I N T E G R I T Y 

Integrity connotes strength and stability. It means taking the high road by practicing the highest business ethics standards. Demonstrating integrity in the workplace shows completeness and soundness in your character and in your organization. It shows that you have solid workplace behavior ethics that matter in the real world that promote positive work ethics.

 F R I E N D  A N D  F A M I L Y 

Good friends can be a loving distraction from distressing situations and, when timed properly, can be useful for getting perspective on difficult decisions. When you do not have to figure things out alone, in a “vacuum,” your best path toward solution can be more complete or simply a better one. When you have someone who you trust to share an emotional burden with then you can benefit in decision making and in support. When you are lucky enough to have “healthy” and caring people in your life, you can feel less alone and reduce the anxiety of your decision making.

There are times when your family may not be the best place to turn when you have a difficult decision to make especially when your family may be involved in the problem/challenge/concern/issue. There are times and certain family members that might be trustworthy or “healthy” and may not have your interests in mind when asked to help make a difficult decision. For example, if you are thinking about the “end of life” planning, family may have very personal reasons to not allow you to take the best path.

I am blessed with having people in my life that can support me and offer perspective to me when I must make difficult decisions. I am blessed to have “healthy” people in my life that do not cloud a difficult situation with their own emotional baggage, as is possible. I have worked hard to connect with “healthy” people and I enjoy their friendship and, when possible, their company as I travel through my life. I work to maintain the important relationships because I like these people and want to be there for them and have them be there for me, when necessarily. We are not all the type of people who can live happily isolated in a cave of life. So, celebrate your good, “healthy” relationships. Do the work to find and maintain these positive relationships. If you find yourself needing support when trustworthy friends who are unavailable, do not be too proud to reach out for “good” professional support.

One last thing… We are never alone! We just have to become open to developing the connections with healthy, positive consciousness and to the source of our own souls.

 E M P O W E R 

Empower here means, I must give the best shock in everything I have. Empower my abilities to give the best results in everything. 

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